Hi This is my official "Championship Portrait" - gorgeous isn't it? Sorry, I am not available to be purchased or to be bred (well, eventually hopefully I will have pups, but right now I am too busy doing other stuff). Please do not harass my mum with inquiries - else she may just take my picture off again and I would hate that to happen ... I know, it's terribly hard to resist me, you'll just have to be strong Sending kisses Love Lollie Julie's workshopPosted by Lollie on Friday, July 31, 2009
![]() Here is me with my WCFO medals and qualifying ribbons and the rosettes for winning the Dog Jumping. Of course this picture really belongs to the previous post. But until mum get's things done ... you know what I mean. So, today I will tell you about last weekend, which was really cool. Mum and I attended Julie Flanery's workshops. She was here all the way from the USA!- A whole day just training and being out and about with mum - it was heaven. I went for 1 and 1/2 days and I agreed that Chippy could go for 1 day as well, since he hasn't had much time with mum because of his bandage on the foot ... yes, the bandage has just come off yesterday, thanks for asking. And we also sent Waldi for 1/2 day, just to get some training under his belt, he really needs it. He is constantly in my hair (literally), and actually the training at the ws didn't help much to improve things. We did sooo much, I think even I have forgotten a few things. Julie gave us dogs enough time to recover in between the sessions, and during that time the humans were talking - boy can they talk. I think it shows the double standards again. There they were yapping away the WHOLE day - I tell you the truth, the whole day, but if I talk just a little I get told to be quiet. Now is that fair? I often have very important things to say, and I am sure it would help our communication if mum would just listen to me a bit more, but I always have to shut up ... I am not getting it. Mum brought a nice little "tent" crate, and I was ever so good in there. Of course I remembered what we did in the Levels Training, and I really like my crate - especially because I always get a treat when I am in there. Oh, and the TREATS - wow, mum went all out ... I am thinking maybe the humans had a competition on who had the best treats? Not sure, but ours were really yummie. Mum gave us a lot of Anita's home made treats, and I REALLY like those. Most of our treats are home made by mum, but somehow other people's treats are always better - don't you agree? So, let me think what we did at the workshop. Well, one of the things mum tried to teach me was very confusing. You see, the other dogs zoomed backwards around the handlers, but mum kept saying "heel" to me, and "heel" means a "jump-twist" and land on the left of mum ... and somehow we never got the backward zoom from there. We got a few funny jump-twists in a row, but I think it wasn't quite what we were supposed to do. Mum said she will think about this some more and find another way to teach it. Julie taught the South African's how to Line dance, and then they had to choreograph a routine to the line dance. And I, well I was the demo dog ... Of course it went just beautifully, and if there would have been a competition for this, I am sure I would have won. On the day when Chippy went we had made a mistake. The ws was all about "precision" and positions. Well, you know me - "Miss Precision" herself, so it would have been a perfect time to show off again, but who does mum take? - Chippy. Poor soul - all he can do is a "stationary heel" and a "between" and nothing else. Mum calls him her "Wild Child" - not exactly the dog to have in a precision ws if you ask me. But here humans seem to have a funny way of looking at things again. Mum said that is exactly why she took Chippy, because he couldn't do it yet ... hmmm ... I suppose this is human logic again ... Oh, and then there was a beaut - it is called record keeping. Now mum kept saying she is very bad about it and there I was in my crate, literally doing somersaults to get her attention - *I* will do the record keeping - no problem, I use this blog and we can have all the records mum likes ... but again, sadly I wasn't taken up on my offer, in fact I don't think I was even really taken very seriously. So, I am just hoping that mum will at least do the baseline exercises from the workshop - that alone will probably keep us busy in training for a year or thereabouts (maybe less, I mean, I could get it all done in a day or so, but getting um to do it properly is going to be the issue, as always). And then mum insulted me again. we had to do some exercises with either verbal OR physical cues and of course I did everything 100% - and mum ... mum is surprised. Wouldn't you be insulted? She said something about not having done the physical cues for a long time, but does she think I am stupid? or forgetful? or what? My feelings were seriously hurt - didn't help that she gave me a big hug afterward. Waldi of course got to go to the best ws. It was relationship building and all they did were games - how cool is that? Mum confirmed that Waldi was very good - maybe now she will continue to train that brat ... na, he really is rather sweet, even if he does annoy me at times. Have to go, I think i heard mum getting some treats ready for an evening session of training - YEAH! Love you all
Hi This is my official "Championship Portrait" - gorgeous isn't it? Sorry, I am not available to be purchased or to be bred (well, eventually hopefully I will have pups, but right now I am too busy doing other stuff). Please do not harass my mum with inquiries - else she may just take my picture off again and I would hate that to happen ... I know, it's terribly hard to resist me, you'll just have to be strong Sending kisses Love Lollie |