How exciting - 2 new events happening to showcase us to the world.
First of course is the picture above, which comes out of the current issue of "Dogs in Africa", which is the official magazine of the Kennel Union of South Africa, and of course you immediately recognized my brother Chippy (if you haven't recognized him you should have by now!) being used to promote a photographer's ad. He clearly can identify a good thing when he sees one - I am pleased.
The second great thing is that mum has finally decided to let the world know about our site and we will hopefully get lots of people checking in. Mum says the site is still a long way from being finished, so check in often to see new stuff.

Our show season is starting tomorrow mum tells me, and Chippy and I are so excited to get back into action. Mum says if the rain keeps up we won't be going though. I agree, I don't like getting wet. Chippy doesn't mind, but then he is a boy, boys are just different, don't you think?
Bye, speak to you soon