So, who's

Need you really ask ?
Me of course - Me - Me - Me
We won this Competition last Saturday.
I won both the Dog Jumping AND the Agility. Mum says we were lucky in the Agility, 'cause I didn't touch the Dog Walk - you know, you can't do everything when you are in a hurry. Anyway, Marco was close on our heels, but he got a few time faults (see, rather jump off the Dog Walk and make the time, 'tis what I always say, it's just mum doesn't agree with me, even though I proved to be right - AGAIN ...).
The Dog Jumping was so much fun. We had a good entry in the small dogs and had 4 or even 5 dogs in the Jump Off, which was really exciting. I was the fastest and won, even though mum made a REAL bad move at the tunnel - showed me to come left, then right, then left - good thing I had decided beforehand where to go, else we would still be stuck there.
Benji wasn't his usual self in the Agility, but he went on to win Top Dog Obedience. Mum says that is almost better than being Top Dog Agility .... I don't think I can agree with it, but I am sure it is a good achievement as well ....
Chace, who was with us at the World Champs last year and who is the reigning SA Agility Champion in the large dogs also made it 2 titles - Dog Jumping and Agility. Mum really likes Chace, she says he is a fun dog and he can shake all 4 paws.
The Quailifiers for the SA Champs and for the World Champs has also started last weekend and mum says we didn't do well, but then there were very few dogs who did do well. Mum didn't like the Contact course and she was quite cross with me on the Non-Contact. Said it would have been a perfect course for me, but I went into the wrong tunnel entrance ... clearly this was MY mistake? I think not! How about her showing me the right way? She of course said I wasn't listening nor watching her and she did show me the right way ...Anyway, dad said we can have a "throw away round" and that will just have to be this one, but mum wanted a "safety cusion" ... Humans! I tell you, hard to understand, really hard.
So we are having a big party on the weekend and no Agility competitions. It's my dad's birthday ... I wonder if I get a birthday party this year as well?
That's all for now
Lots of Love