I said the other day that I have a lot to tell you - well, one of the things was our experience during one of our walks. We got caught in the rain, but luckily only a little, and it was really more of a pleasant shower to cool off than proper rain. What it did produce though, was the most amazing light and this wonderful rainbow, which then even became a double rainbow. It was sooooooo beautiful ... (OK, truthfully I am not sure what the whole hoo-ha was about, but mum thought it was truly wonderful, so I suppose I better agree with her).
She said the end of the rainbow was "right there" and we should go and track it down and see if we can find the pot of gold. When I heard "tracking" I was immediately ready to go, but it seems mum just said that to tease us - in any case, we never did go out to track. We just stopped the car and mum took these pictures on her mobile. I must say the color of the rainbow was so much brighter in real life
Hope you like them

Speak to you soon