Beacuse there are (finally) so many pictures, I will categorize them under each puppy's name, so if you want to follow a particular puppy it will be easier.
The puppies are starting to meet the family (all under tight supervision of course). Chanel (aka HG) is developing into the most outgoing puppy - so very Un-Pyrenean ;-). And she is extremely adventurous. Yesterday we had "singles sessions" for the first time and I had an opportunity to take some pictures because I could concentrate on one at a time and did not have to worry what the others were up to in the meantime - yes, they are already that mobile that you wished you had more hands :-)
So this is Chanel pulling a typical "puppy face"

And this was her coming out of the room onto the patio - a bit of an unsure look at first and then a "oh what the heck" step forward :-) - typical for her

.. and then we met Waldi, our HOAD (Hint Of A Dachsie) (I love the expression on his face when she kisses him ;-)

they soon got quite good mates, and I shudder to think what mischief they will be up to in the coming weeks ...

But even alone she is a very enterprising little girl. As I said nothing phases her. here she is inspecting the pond (she wanted to step into it eventually, but did only put one foot in and had enough equilibrium to pull all the way back - lesson learned I hope. BTW, the spot she is looking at has a pot in the water, so the water there is probably no more than 5 cm deep (2"), but *she* doesn't know that :-))

she is very fond of the vegetation around her

And if there is absolutely nothing more to inspect, there is always mum to play with (who supervises all the outings)

Oh, and look at *that* .. , we actually have 2 Chanels ....