Pyreneans are smart, you probably gathered that by now. However, they are truly smart as this little video will show you. Those of us involved in dog Sports, particularly Agility and Freestyle are constantly looking for things to improve our dog's balance and body awareness. Well these puppies have just invented their very own "Balancing Dome". This is a shade net dome which we place loosely over a small fish pond to keep the tiny Jackaranda leaves out of the water. Often bees come and drink from the pond and occasionally get caught under the net. The puppies think this is their very own "Playstation" and "Balance Ball" rolled into one. Unfortunately I didn't get any of them trying to catch the bee, but you can see the bee in some of the footage. Whichever, even just climbing around on the dome is great for their little bodies. You can see how the net gives under each little paw. And of course because they invented this themselves they are having a ball. We can't keep them off the net.