
Personally I don't wear many pins, so it is not a piece of jewelry that comes naturally to me. Still, there are a few designs I have made and I hope you like them. Especially the dog's paw print is rather unique.


For the Dog Lover

I got the idea for this pin/pendant when a friend of mine lost her dog. She wrote how sad she was that she had not taken more pictures, collected more hair and taken a paw print of her dear friend.

I kept wondering how you would take a paw print in a way that it would be meaningful in years to come and only when I started working with Silver clay did I find this solution.


This is my dog Quincy's paw print. It is a reversible pin. On top of the pin itself is her initial (Q). The pin can be taken out and the paw print reversed.

 I filled the indentation of the print with resin and small gold glitter. This side is smooth and brought to a shine, whereas the reverse has slightly rough texture, more like the real paw is.

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