Photo: Liz Chamberlain
This is my official "Championship Portrait" - gorgeous isn't it?
Sorry, I am not available to be purchased or to be bred (well, eventually hopefully I will have pups, but right now I am too busy doing other stuff). Please do not harass my mum with inquiries - else she may just take my picture off again and I would hate that to happen ... I know, it's terribly hard to resist me, you'll just have to be strong
Sending kisses
April 24, 2011
My goodness, how time flies.
I realise I haven't been here for a while, but I didn't realise it has been quite this long.
In the meantime I am a 4 Time Champion
mum says we are working towards "Grandchampion" status (whatever that
may be) and we are in fact also working in a completely new discipline.
I'll have to post a picture, else you won't believe it. It is, shall we
say, a change from our usual high activity events.
Thought I would share that I am lying joined 5th overall after the
Qualifiers for the World Agility Championships. The Finals will be on
the first weekend in June and we need all our fans to cross their paws
for me. Mum says if I qualify in the top 9 I am allowed to run in the
Individual competition as well as the Team event. I would really like
that. Chippy is not doing so well this year in the ranking, but then he
started the year off with yet another abdominal surgery and only slowly
got back into form. Everyone was very worried - even me ...
This weekend we are running some fun competitions at the Nurtphase
Animal Carnival. Boy, it is so much fun, can't tell you. Today we had a
rest day, but we competed Friday and Saturday and mum says we will go
back tomorrow (Monday) and Wednesday (a public holiday ehre in South
Africa). I wished every weekend was that good.
So, yesterday I won the Dog Jumping event. Mum was really clear for a
change. At the Jump-off she told me she wants me to run faster than
Rikki and Benji and "show the boys" - so I did.

Picture: Melissa Wilson
Left to right: Candy Tothill, organizer; ME and Gaby, Bill Middleton, judge, Lucy Tothill, organizer.
Mum says I must be gracious and also tell you about Chippy's new
freestyle routine. Well, I am really not in the best of moods about the
freestyle event. I performed my new HTM routine. My FIRST HTM routine
(HTM = Heelwork to Music, I also didn't know until recently), and NOBODY
took a video of me, but they DID take a video of Chippy ... you think
that is fair? No, me neither.
Anyway, no point in me TELLING you about the routine, like the fact
that Chippy made AT LEAST 2 mistakes! and what's worse, mum made a
really big boo-boo - so after all that, what is left in a routine?
Exactly. Anyway, before I go on telling you about Chippy's routine and
someone blames me of sour grapes and all that, I think you should check
it out for yourself <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Oh, and while we are talking freestyle, mum says I must also tell you that everyone loves Cassie's new HTM routine, which is to some old fashioned German music witha really nice beat (even I like the beat), and it has something to do with Paris. Since mum has been there earlier this year (if I go to the Worlds this year, I'll also go to Paris, so not such a big deal, going to Paris ...), anyway, she got herself a T-shirt from Paris for the routine. Now that I have told you everything about everybody's routines, I still can't show you much of mine :-(. It's also to German music ... I suppose it's OK ... mum said she thinks I really like it, because I learned it in a very short time ... what does she think I am, *stupid*? Why shouldn't I learn a little routine in a short time and what does it have to do with me liking the music I ask you? .. OK, but I think I like the music anyway. Just got a bit distracted towards the end by the people.  
Pictures: Melissa Wislon
Hope you enjoy the update Love you all ... don't forget to cross those paws for us at the SA Champs and the selection for the Team to go to the World Champs!
Posted by Lollie.
August 10, 2010
Hi We have just returned from our super-duper Agility "weekend" in Bloemfontein. I say "weekend", because in actual fact it is 4 days of non-stop action. Mum says it is the second most important weekend of the year and Chippy and I gave a first class performance. Bloem (short for Bloemfontein) is a leisurely 4 hour drive from home and we left already on Thursday. When mum started to pack we just knew we could go as well - it was so exciting and I told everyone at the top of my voice how I was ... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
June 20, 2010
No, no, this is not me. Mum is trying her hand as an artist! This is supposed to be the silhouette of a Smaoyed. Now why she didn't start with a decent dog, like a Pyrenean I don't know, but anyway. If you have any comments or sugegstions for improvements feel free to write to me, I will pass the message on - promise. You can also follow the "arty" discussion on, Shirley Chongs (usually strictly training) list. Speak to you soon Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
June 1, 2010
It has been a long time. A lot of exciting things have happened recently. Last weekend we had the South African Agility Championships. It was really cool - finally lots of action. Mum says we didn't do our best, and we have some training ahead of us - Yeah! Training ... you think she will eventually figure out that I only make those mistakes so we train more? Benji became SA Champion again ... the 4th year in a row - quite something. And it was tight, 'cause all the fast dogs from the Cape we... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
February 5, 2010
So, who's
Need you really ask ? Me of course - Me - Me - Me
We won this Competition last Saturday. I won both the Dog Jumping AND the Agility. Mum says we were lucky in the Agility, 'cause I didn't touch the Dog Walk - you know, you can't do everything when you are in a hurry. Anyway, Marco was close on our heels, but he got a few time faults (see, rather jump off the Dog Walk and make the time, 'tis what I always say, it's just mum doesn't agree with me, even t... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
January 11, 2010
Hi As the titel tells you our dog show year has finally started. Good thing it is as well, else my mum will loose the last bit of condition she has left and will just collapse in a little heap. Anyway, Sunday we had an Open show. It means that it isn't really a very important show and people can enter on the day and everything is quite laid back. I ran Agility, Non contact Ag and Dog Jumping. I am pleased to say I am still queen of Dog Jumping - although I have ommitted to tell you something ..... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
January 4, 2010
Hi fans ... Hope you all had a smashing ending to 2009 and are full of energy to start the new year. Here things are looking up. Mum, despite nursing a cold actually spent some time with us over the past few days doing "stuff". Chippy and I are leaning to "back around" mum. I have basically got it - of course if mum were clearer I would have had it a long time ago, but with the handicap I have I am doing the best I can. Chippy is a bit slow. I think his problem is that he really likes to back ... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie. Posted In : Jan 2010
November 19, 2009
Hi Well, I am not going to say it - but time is just flying and my World Champs entries have still not been completed ... In the meantime all my hard training has paid off and mum is really on a roll. We are the BEST OF THE BEST 2009 Medium dog and runner up overall behind a mean, fast Border Collie. Chippy is Reserve behind me and Benji is third. Here is my lovely winning picture with the 2 blond boys left and right of me (they both look pretty miserable don't you think? ;-)  That's all for tod... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
September 25, 2009
On Monday morning the humans had breakfast - nobody asked me if I wanted any ... but at least we were allowed to come with mum to the breakfast room. Yep, the Austrians are very polite to their dogs. We were allowed to go almost everywhere with mum, even if some places required some very odd arrangements (more about that later). After breakfast we all went shopping. Everything was just around the corner, so we all walked and had a good time checking out the neighborhood. Although us dogs were... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
September 25, 2009
 Of course we are in fact already BACK home again, but in order to give you a good idea of how our trip went, I will just pretend that we are still traveling. We arrived safely, but very early in the morning in Frankfurt. They were really careful when they off loaded us and we were taken to the "Fragile cargo" section - hmmm - not quite the first class counter, I must say, but at least mum and all the other humans were already there to greet us. Onto the trolley and off to custom... Continue reading...
Posted by Lollie.
Star Struck
I don't really like to brag about other people, but today is an exception. You probably know by now what a famous mum I have - I mean my *real* mum Quincy. She is a movie star and *everyone* knows her. It is a bit of a pain going out with her, since people stop and want to chat to my human mum about Quincy all the time. It's "oh" and "ah" and all these silly cooing noises humans make ... I don't really mind the noises, but couldn't they make them to *ME*? So yes, going out with Quincy is not one of my favorite past times. However, today I am really proud of her. She did another TV commercial recently, and it has just been voted: "The hottest ad of the week on Cape Talk’s Adfeature show" and Quincy is the star of the ad - she doesn't just have a little role - she really is the star!
Just in case you don't know Cape Talk is a big deal radio station here in South Africa - I mean really *BIG DEAL* (well, you don't expect us to get excited about a mention on a *little* radio station do you?).
So we are all celebrating. Us dogs got a super-duper bone each and mum is having a glass of bubbly (have you ever put your nose into a glass of that stuff? - Yikes - I would suggest you don't even try! It is awful. I can not understand what mum does with it).
I have stuck the important piece of the podcast here for you to listen to ... Oh yes, we even had a podcast of the announcement, I *told* you it was a big deal.
We are off to another show tomorrow, can't wait, it has been a bit boring here lately.
Great weekend to all
Love you Lollie
What a Weekend ...
We had such a great weekend - well *I* had. Mum is now exhausted,
and Chippy, well Chippy didn't do so well, but we knew that all along
that I would be the star of this family.
We went to an Agility competition on Friday - mum says it was just a *small* competition, but hey, everything counts - right?
I just blew everyone away - 1-2-3 just like that, I won all 3 of
the competitions mum and I entered. Mum says she is very pleased with
me. I think she actually did a pretty good job herself this time round
(no funny manouvers that we collided). Especially the Dog Jumping
(remember, that is the one where you need to go clear in the first
round and then you go to the Jump-Off). I beat Ricki by 1,5
seconds! Mum says Ricki is the best "non-large" dog in South Africa at
the moment ... I beg your pardon? WHO is the Best if I just beat him????
Mum says we still need to work on our weave poles, but I have no idea what she is complaining about.
Chips, well he had a few steering problems and was a bit off ... I think maybe I will have a chat to him.
Allez also did quite well and won one class and was second in the other.
And then on Saturday we went to do a Freestyle demo - yes me too
:-). Oh, I was sooooo cool on my saddle - of course the silly kids
wanted to know where the horse was ... they have no imagination - non
Everyone thought Chippy in his pram was great ... I think the saddle
is better, but I suppose the pram is also cute. Mum and Allez practised
their new routine and Allez did really well - wow, I want to be like
her one day.
And today, well today mum said the weather was miserable (hey, it
was great, all overcast with a bit of rain, not too hot, I love this
weather, but humans always complain about the weather have you noticed
that?). Anyway, mum thought it was "stay at home" weather. There wasn't
much to do - supervise all the dogs a bit, check the property with dad,
but it was really a little boring. Just nice that everyone was together
I suppose.
We are going to have a really busy month coming up. I will try and keep updating you as often as I can.
Love you XXXX
Hi - May I introduce myself? 
My name is "Funny Waldi"
About Me
Lollie |
Johannesburg, South Africa |
I am Lollie, a grey Pyrenean Sheepdog. I was born on 31. August 2006.
I live with my brother, our mum and another 5 dogs on a farm in Africa. Our "human mum" believes we all need a job, and I fully agree. I am always busy bossing everyone around - I don't think "Mum" has that in mind when she talks about a "job" though.
Her idea of a job is to play Agility, which I like, but she is terribly slow, and I have to keep reminding her to run faster. I bark and bark and bark, and sometimes she gets the message - it is very hard to train humans ....
She also likes to dance with me - she calls it freestyle, but what do you call it when you move to music? I call it "dancing". Anyway, let her call it what she likes.
We also need to do Obedience stuff. I love the heelwork part, but then she keeps throwing things away which she expects me to fetch for her - who does she think I am? Anyway, Chippy (that is my brother) brings everything back, so let him fetch it.
Well, everyday life is busy when you live on a farm.
In the mornings Chippy and I go out with our human dad ... sigh ... that is another case of "difficult training object". He is soooo slow. I have actually given up trying to make him run at all. Usually I just check that everything is in order and then I go back to the house again, it is just too boring standing around with dad.
Later on Wedwo, that is mum's horse, comes down to the paddock - yep, he definitely needs to be exercised and told where to go and graze. The cheeky thing is starting to ignore me now, so I have to hang from his tail ... Mum says she will try to get a picture (don't get me started on pictures though ....)
well, that is all about me right now.
If you are interested in following my daily blog ... oops mum says it won't be daily ... :-( come back and visit.
Yours Lollie